Treatment for arthritis, rheumatism, osteoporosis, carpal tunnel syndrome in Kuwait
February 24, 2021

Frozen shoulder or adhesive capsuliti

This pathology is characterized by the presence of pain and stiffness in the joint, where the symptoms begin gradually and worsen over time, and this condition may extend to three years.



Freezing stage: Any movement of the shoulder causes pain and increases the lack of movement.

Frozen stage: begins to decrease pain and at the same time the range of motion decreases and the stiffness increases in the shoulder.

Thawing stage. Things start to improve, the pain subsides, and the movement increases.



The shoulder joint consists of ligaments, muscles and tendons surrounded by a mass of connective tissue called a capsule. In the case of frozen shoulder, this wallet thickens and narrows around the shoulder and reduces its movement (due to fibrosis).

Usually people with diabetes or who have had many or severe injuries in the past or after a surgical procedure can develop this pathology.


Risk factors:

Age between 40 and 60 years.

Women are more vulnerable.

Not to move the shoulder for a period of time, as in the case after an operation or injury.

Diabetes: the cause is unknown.

Thyroid problems, heart problems and Parkinson’s disease.



Clinical examination and history.

The work of the X-ray, CT and magnetic resonance.

Shoulder pain may extend to a year and a half and disappear without treatment.


The goal of treatment is pain management. And increase the range of motion in the shoulder.


Analgesics in addition to anti-inflammatory.

Physiotherapy: It has an important role in increasing shoulder flexibility, reducing inflammation, and restoring normal movement. In addition, manual therapy and shoulder stretching exercises are done in order to stretch the capsule, and iontopharesis, electrical stimulation, lasertherapy and other devices are used.

Other treatments:

Cortisone injection, and PRP injection.

Dry needling.

Surgery rarely takes place, but this option can be considered if the conservative management does not work or give the desired results.

The surgery consists of the following: – Manipulation the joint under anesthesia.

Arthroscopy – debridement and release.


Authored by –

Dr. Ashraf Yousef, MBBCH, MSc, MD, PhD (Russia), MRCPS (Glasgow).

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