Dr. Ashraf areas of expertise include:
- Fracture management
- Arthroscopic surgeries of the knee, shoulder and ankles
- Joint preservation procedures
- PRP and stem cell therapy for musculoskeletal injuries
- Sports medicine injuries
- Foot and ankle disorders management
- Arthritis management
- Back and neck disorders management
Dr. Ashraf Yousef – Consultant Orthopedic Surgeon
MBBCH, MSc, MD, PhD (Russia), MRCPS (Glasgow)
Name : Ashraf Ismail Yousef
Nationality : Russian
M.B.B.Ch – Volgograd State Medical Academy, Volgograd City, Russian Federation 2000
Internship – Al Basheer Hospital. Amman, Jordan. 2001
MSc. in Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgery, Volgograd State Medical University. 2003
MD – PhD degree in Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgery, health care and public health.
Kazan state medical university, Kazan City, Russia. 2006
MRCPS (Glasgow) – Royal college of physicians and surgeons of Glasgow 2018
Russian medical association.
Kuwait Medical Association.
American Academy of orthopedic surgeons. AAOS
International Society of Orthopedic
Surgery and Traumatology. SICOT
Medical Education
Six years in Volgograd State Medical Academy,Volgograd city, Russian Federation.
Internship: Al-Basheer Hospital, Amman, Jordan. One year from 1/10/2000 to 30/09/2001.
Full Time Resident in Trauma and Orthopaedics:
From 2001 to 2003, in Volgograd City, Russia;in two hospitals, at the trauma and orthopedics department of the municipal public health service, clinical hospital N 12. as a base of orthopedic surgery chair of the Volgograd state medical universitywhich is centerof orthopedic excellence and the major tertiary referral center in Volgograd and the region with more than 500 beds (in the main hospital). The Orthopedic department consists of 90 inpatients and has 3 suites of operating theatres. The department deals with the full spectrum of orthopedic adult problems. The average of daily operative activity is 8-10 operations.
The other hospital is municipal public health service, clinical hospital N 1, with more than1500 beds (in the main hospital), the orthopedic department deals with chronic problems and joint replacement. The average of daily operative activity is 4-6 operations.
A rotation of 3 months was done in the municipal public health service, clinical hospital N 7, in the pediatric neuro-orthopedic and trauma department, which is a referral center in Volgograd and the region.
Training included:
Closed reduction and application of POP.
Assisting in theatres where almost all the spectrum of trauma.
Open reduction and internal fixation.
Management of open fractures by external fixators mainly Ilizarov method.
Hip and knee arthroplasty.
Corrective osteotomies.
Tendons andmuscles reconstruction.
Basic spinal surgery ( lumbar disc prolapse, lumbar canal stenosis and pedicular screw fixation)
Pediatric orthopedics.
My duties as a resident included:
On call duties with a rota 1:2
4 Operative lists/week.
Outpatient clinics (admission and follow up).
Full Time Resident (research study) in Trauma and Orthopaedics:
3 years from 11/2003 to 11/2006, in Kazan city,Russia. The residency was held in two hospitals: republican clinical hospital of Tatarstan and clinical emergency hospital N 1 of Kazan.
The research study was about Quality of life of patients, suffering hip joint pathology. In my study I evaluate the quality of life of those patients before and after surgery using the quality-of-life questioner WHO QOL-100.
I also had evaluated the QOL for patients who had complications after surgery, suchas dislocation of the prosthesis and periprosthetic fractures.I evaluate also the functional status of the hip joint by using Harris hip score.
My supervisor Prof. AkhtyamovIldar F. Chief of orthopedics and traumatology department in Kazan state medical university.
On February 28/ 2007, I defended my thesis (PhD) “The efficacy of hip replacement as a method of a treatment for patients with hip joint pathology” (specialty 14.00.22 traumatology – orthopedics and 14.00.33 public health and health care) in the thesis scientific council in Federal state institution of science Russian scientific center of restorative traumatology and orthopedics named after G.A. Ilizarov, Federal agency of health care and social development, Kurgan city- Russian Federation.
Previous work
Specialist Orthopedic Surgeon in New Mowasat Hospital, Kuwait, from 02/07/2008 till 26/12/2019.
Present Position
Specialist Orthopedic Surgeon, Head of Dr. Ashraf Yousef Unit for Orthopedic Surgery and Trauma, Physiotherapy and foot care, in BERLIN KLINIK, KUWAIT,fromJanuary/2020 till date.
Surgical Skills
The full spectrum of orthopaedic and trauma surgery including surgical correction of deformities.
Hip and knee arthroplasty.
Basic and advanced knee arthroscopic procedures.
Basic ankle and shoulder arthroscopic procedures.
All the day case orthopaedic procedures.
Sports injuries management.
Clinical trials
Preventive measures of DVT after hip replacement surgery, DU176b-PRT 007, phase IIa, C o- investigator.2005-2006. Daiichi Medical Research Inc. and ICON Clinical research.
2. Preventive measures of DVT after hip replacement surgery, DRI5664, phase IIa, Co- investigator.2006-2007. Sonafi Aventis Medical research inc.
3. Preventive measures of DVT after knee replacement surgery, DRI6243, phase IIa, Co- investigator.2005-2006 Sonafi Aventis medical research inc.
4. Preventive measures of DVT after hip replacement surgery, DU176b-PRT 011, phase IIb, Co- investigator.2006-2007. Daiichi Medical Research Inc. and ICON Clinical research.
5. Preventive measures of DVT after hip replacement surgery, CV 185-035, phase III, Co- investigator.2007-2008. Clin Star Medical Research Inc.
1. Certificate of raising the level of skill in traumatology and orthpedic surgery. Kazan State scientific- research center of traumatology and orthopedic surgery. 09.01.2004-30.04.2006
2. Certificate of raising the level of skill using methods of external fixation in traumatolgy and orthopedics. Tumen State Medical Academy. 15.11.2004 – 25.12.2004.
3. Certificate of hip arthroplasty “ZIMMER”, 15.05.2006 – 26.05.2006, Saint-Petersburg State scientific – research institute of traumatology and orthopedic surgery.
4. Certificate of attendance for the total knee arthroplasty cadaver course. 25- 26 October,2013 , Sharjah , UAE.
5. Certificate of attendance for the total knee arthroplasty cadaver “Attune instructional course”. 23-24 May,2016 , Sharjah , UAE.
6. Certificate of attendance “basic cadaver course of shoulder arthroscopy” Kazan, Russia. 26 – 28 April /2019.
Method of correction the position of acetabulum. patent license № 2004107059
Method of acetabuloplasty of defects during hip arthroplasty. Application for patent № 2006116677 from 17.05.2006
3. Method prevention of dislocation of hip prothesis. patent license №2005113625/14 from 04.05.2005
4. Method prevention of post-operative complication in hip arthroplasty. Application for patent № 2006116676 from 17.05.2006
Yousef A.I.Garifulov G.G. Kovalenko A.N. Bulgakova D.R. “Efficacy of arthroplasty on the quality of life of patients with joint pathology”. Selected questions traumatology orthopedics and neurosurgery. Mistakes and complications: materials of scientific practical conference in Scientific research center of restorative orthopedics and traumatology- Kazan, 2005, p90.
Kovalenko A.N. Yousef A.I. Garifulov G.G. avascular necrosis of femoral head alcoholic etiology, combined with humeral head pathology. Thesis of the X Russian scientific practical conference” Young scientists in medicine” – Kazan 2005, p 194
YousefA.I. Thedynamicsofqualityoflifeofpatientswithhipjointpathologybeforeandafter replacement. Thesis of the X Russian scientific practical conference” Young scientists in medicine” – Kazan 2005, p 197.
Akhtyamov I.F. Yousef A.I.Garifulov G.G.Gurilova M.E. Kovalenko A.N.“A comparison of quality of life of patients with hip joint pathology, who underwent arthroplasty.” Collection of Thesis of the Russian scientific practical conference” current technology in traumatology and orthopedics” Moscow, 2005 p 41-42.
Akhtyamov I.F. Kovalenko A.N. Yousef A.I. Garifulov G.G. “Multifocal avascular necrosis of bones.” Kazan medical journal, 2005, N 3, p 18-22.
Gurilova M.E. Yousef A.I. Garifulov G.G. Kovalenko A.N. Quality of life of patients indicated for hip replacement surgery. Russian Multithematic Collection of scientific Thesis” arthroplasty in Russia” 1 edition – Kazan, 2005, p 138-145.
Kuzmin I.I. Akhtyamov I.F. Kuzmin A.V. Yousef A.I. “Reasons, problems and the tactic of revision hip surgery. “Successof healthcare in reforming the orthopedic and traumatology services. Collection materials for the 60-th anniversary of winning the Great Patriotic War, Kurgan scientific council in Federal state institution of science Russian scientific center of restorative traumatology and orthopedics named after G.A. Ilizarov, 2005 – p 176-181.
Yousef A.I. Garifulov G.G. Kovalenko A.N. “The analysis of periprosthetic fractures and dislocation of hip prosthesis after primary hip replacement.” Actual questions of traumatology, orthopedics and neurosurgery. Materials of scientific practical conference in Scientific research center of restorative orthopedics and traumatology- Kazan, 2005- p 108-109.
Yousef A.I. Efficacy of arthroplasty on the quality of life of patients with joint pathology. Thesis of the XI Russian scientific practical conference” Young scientists in medicine” – Kazan 2006, p 193.
Kuzmin I.I. Kuzmin A.V. Yousef A.I. Garifulov G.G. Kovalenko A.N. “Methods of intraoperative prophylactic of periprosthetic fractures” 3-d international congress – current technology in traumatology and orthopedics- Moscow, 2006 – p 137.
11. Yousef A.I. “Evaluationof the efficacy of hip arthroplasty” Materials of scientific practical conference :NEW IDEAS AND INVENTIONS. – Kurgan 2006, p 196-197.
Yousef A.I. Garifulov G.G. Kharmatulina R.R. Kovalenko A.N. “The dynamics of quality of life for patients with lower limbs joint pathology.” Endosurgical methods in traumatology and orthopedics: materials of republican scientific practical conference- Bukhara,2006 / p 147.
Kuzmin I.I. Yousef A.I. Garifulov G.G. Kovalenko A.N.“Prophylactics of intraoperative fractures. Orthopedics today – N.Novgorod 2006, p 66-67.
Yousef A.I. Akhtyamov I.F. Turenkov S.V. “prophylactic complex of intraoperative complications in orthopedic surgery.” Actual questions in traumatology orthopedics and neurosurgery: materials of scientific practical conference- Kazan 2006, p 114-116.
Akhtyamov I.F. Garifulov G.G. Yousef A.I. Kovalenko A.N. “ Biochemical and mineral metabolism in arthroplasty.” Current technology in traumatology and orthopedics: Materials of the 3-international congress – Moscow, 2006- p 136.
Garifulov G.G. Yousef A.I. “Changing some of the mineral and biochemical data in primary total hip replacement.” Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia. N2, N.Novgogrod, 2006- p 71.
Garifulov G.G. Yousef A.I.Kovalenko A.N. “The features of coagulant hemostesis in hip replacement. “actual questions Traumatology Orthopedics and Neurosurgery. materials of scientific practical conference – Kazan,2005, p 43-45.
Akhtyamov I.F. Garifulov G.G. Yousef A.I. “Changing of some biochemical features of the blood in primary hip replacement” Collection of scientific Thesis” arthroplasty in Russia” 2-ed edition, Kazan 2006, p 105-109.
Akhtyamov I.F. Garifulov G.G. Yousef A.I. Lancov E.N. “The dynamics of hemostasis before and after surgery on the lower limbs. Endo-surgical methods in traumatology and orthopedics: materials of republican scientific practical conference- Bukhara,2006 / p39-40
Kovalenko A.N. Moeseev Y.I. Yousef A.I. Garifulov G.G. “Osteosynthesis with blocked nails without using fluoroscope! A new technology or descreditation of the method? materials of scientific practical conference. Kazan 14-15 dec 2006, p 50-51.
Kovalenko A.N. Moeseev Y.I. Yousef A.I. “ChM blocked nails for tibial and femoral fractures without using fluoroscope” Traumatology and orthopedics XXI century . Samara – Russia. 6-7 jun 2006. p 212-213.
Akhtyamov I.F. Yousef A.I. Garifulov G.G. Gurilova M.E. Kovalenko A.N. Turenkov G.G. “Evaluation of quality of life of patients with hip joint pathology.” Vestnik Traumatology and orthopedics named after Priorov N.N. – 2007, N1.
23. Akhtyamov I.F. Gurilova M.E. Yousef A.I. Ziatdinov B.G. Zakirov R.K. Turenkov G.G.“Evaluation of possible parallels between quality-of-lifefeatures and the clinic-functional status of patients who underwent hip replacement surgery.” Vestnik Traumatology and orthopedics named after Priorov N.N. N1– 2008.
24. Akhtyamov I.F Garifulov G.G. Mironova I.V. Yousef A.I. Kovalenko A.N.“Changing of coagulation system in primary total hip replacement.” Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia. N4(42), 2006.
25. Akhtyamov I.F. Gurilova M.E. Yousef A.I. Garifulov G.G. Kovalenko A.N. Turenkov G.G. “Analysis of quality of life after hip arthroplasty”. Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia. N2(44), 2007.
26. Ashraf Yousef, IldarAkhtyamov, FainaShakirova, LyailiZubairova, Elmira Gatina, ЕlchinAliev“ Effect of hafnium and titanium coated implants on several blood biochemical markers after osteosynthesis in rabbits” Int J Clin Exp Med 2014;7(10):3473-3477, www.ijcem.com /ISSN:1940-5901/IJCEM0001156.
27. Yousef A.I., AkhtyamovI.F. “Changes in blood composition in rabbits before and after osteosynthesis utilizing coated and uncoated metal implants”. Research India Publications IJBHS Volume 4 number 1, 2014. p 21-27.
28. Yousef A.I., AkhtyamovI.F., Mironov M.M., “Assessment of blood markers response to osteosynthesis with implants with extra-hard metal coatings”. Journal of Practical Medicine – Russia, vol. 3(95) May 2016, p 121-124
29. Yousef A.I., AkhtyamovI.F. “Arthroplasty features in overweight patients; (review). Traumatology and orthopaedics of Russia volume 23 number 2, 2017.
30. Yousef A.I., AkhtyamovI.F. “staged treatment of knee osteoarthritis” Journal of ORTHOPEDIC TRAUMA SURGERY AND RELATED RESEARCHES 14(1) 2019 Research Article.
31. A.Yousef, I. Akhtyamov, M. Helo, F. Saeed “KNEE ARTHROPLASTY IN OBESE PATIENTS” The 12th International Conference of the Jordan Orthopedic Association, October 30th – November 2nd 2019. Speaker.
32. Ashraf Yousef, Akhtyamov I, Al-Mukaimi A, Zaher S.”EEFECT OF OBESITY ON OUTCOME IN PRIMARY TOTAL KNEE REPLACEMENT” SICOT – Oman, 4 -7 December/ 2019. Speaker.
Doctor Ashraf’s Daily Schedule
Day | Hours |
Saturday | 10 am – 6 pm |
Sunday | 4 pm – 8 pm |
Monday | 4 pm – 8 pm |
Tuesday | 4 pm – 8 pm |
Wednesday | 4 pm – 8 pm |
Thursday | 10 am – 3 pm |
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